Saturday, December 4, 2010

Moment-by-Moment Obedience

A few months ago my husband received a Facebook message from an old friend from middle school, someone he had not spoken to in over 20 years. This old friend told Brian how he remembered Brian praying with him after class one day, and that moment has never left him. I think about that message often. How amazing. Brian took a few minutes to walk in obedience to our Lord, and changed someone's life. It would have been so easy for Brian to have rushed off to his next class, or spent the few moments chatting mindlessly with his friends. But he didn't. He saw a need, and chose to meet it.

You would not believe how common this story is with my husband. I have been witness to dozens of people stopping him to tell him how he has impacted their life. Not just through leading worship, but through his prayers, the time he has spent with them, and his evident walk with Christ. Brian walks in moment-to-moment obedience.

Brian's life is a constant reminder to me of the importance of taking every opportunity to share Christ's love. Regardless of how small the act seems, I must remember that when I am walking in obedience to Him, I have no idea of the impact I may be having. All too often I find myself caught up in the day-to-day tasks of being a stay-at-home wife and mother. I shudder to think of all the opportunities I have missed. With friends, with the cashier at Braum's, with those I sit next to in church.

Lord, I pray that I am reminded daily of what is truly important in life. That I will live in moment-by-moment obedience, choosing to glorify you with all of my thoughts and actions. Lord, use me as Your vessel.

1 comment:

  1. That is my prayer too. Thanks for sharing this. I'm reminded to live an obedient and intentional life.
