Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Unspoken Prayer

There she stood on the porch with a platter of cookies. I couldn’t believe it. I suddenly felt overwhelmed by just how good our God is.

He is our provider. He knows our needs. He is faithful.

It was the last day of the month. We live by a strict budget, which means that sometimes at the end of the month I’m putting together very creative meals. But on this day, in addition to creative meal

planning, I was also supposed to provide dessert for a potluck. Unfortunately the cake I baked that morning was a complete flop, and I was left with an empty pantry and no dessert.

But there she stood. The answer to my unspoken prayer. The proof that God does provide. A beautiful example of how He uses us as vessels of His goodness in others’ lives.

While two dozen cookies may not seem like a lot to you. To me they were a loving hug from my Maker. They were a soft whisper that He truly does know and care about my needs, big and small. They were an opportunity to praise Him.

“Your heavenly Father already knows all your needs.” Matthew 6:32.

He knew that I had a need. A need that I was stressed about, yet thought was too insignificant to pray about. But it wasn’t insignificant to Him. He cared about my need because He loves me. Because He knows my innermost being. Because He is good.

What needs do you have that you think are too insignificant? What are you stressed about?

Know this sweet sister, nothing is too big or too small for our God. Go to Him. Trust in Him. He knows your needs. He cares about your needs. He loves you.

Heavenly Father, I am in awe of you. In awe of your ability to know and care for each of us. In awe of your unwaivering, faithful character. In awe of your endless love and provision. I praise you Lord.

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