Tuesday, November 1, 2011


This past weekend, my sweet husband took the kiddos out so I could have a couple of hours to get some things done around the house. It is AMAZING how much more I can get done without a toddler at my knee and infant calling for attention! As I scurried around the house with a dozen tasks on my mind, I had my iPod on shuffle. On came Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol. It’s actually a secular song, but as I listened to the lyrics, I was inspired.

I need your grace

to remind me

to find my own

So simple, yet so profound. When I truly sit back and think about what God has done for me, about the ultimate sacrifice, I can’t help but be humbled. The God of the Universe sent His only Son to pay the debt for my sin. The sin that I committed before I believed in Him, and the sin that I have committed since. When I realize that despite the fact that every single day I grieve Him, the Almighty God still loves me, still walks beside me, and still welcomes me into His home, I can not help but be overwhelmed with inexplicable emotion.

I need Your grace to remind me to find my own.

If the Sovereign God can show us such grace, who are we to withhold it from those He has placed in our lives. Maybe it’s our children who seem to be continually defiant, or our husband who has disappointed our expectations again, or our friend who we see making poor choices despite the wisdom we spoke into her life. While the world around us may encourage us to write them off, or scorn them, or dwell on their insufficiencies, as believers we are called to react differently. When we truly understand the grace that has been extended to us, it reminds us to extend grace to those around us.

Heavenly Father, I pray that you give me a heart like Yours. A heart to love people, where they are. A heart to extend unmerited favor, even when my flesh tells me not to. Lord, I pray that I never forget or get numb to the grace you have given me. That I remember daily that You are my Savior. I love you Lord.

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