Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Know Him, Love Him, and Live Life with Him

We recently went on vacation with my family. As we were leaving for the airport, I ran back inside to get a book. I haven’t read a whole book since, well, since before Caleb was born, but I figured with built-in babysitting for the week, this might just be my chance. I grabbed “The Shack.” I’m sure some of you have read it. It was very popular a few years ago...with good reason. It’s a really interesting book, peppered with lots of biblical principals and thought provoking conversation. But what stuck with me the most was the re-iterance that being a follower of Christ is about relationship. It’s not about routine. It’s not about tasks. It’s not about a checklist.

Being a follower of Christ is about knowing, loving, and living life with Christ.

All too often people think, “if I read my Bible everyday and pray before meals, I’m being a good Christian.” Or, “if I attend and serve at church every weekend, I’m doing what I should be doing.” But that’s not what it’s about. That is not what Christ wants from us. He wants relationship with us. And relationship doesn’t look the same for every person, or every day.

Some days, for me, living life with Christ means that I spend an hour in Bible study first thing in the morning. Some days it means that I listen to worship music throughout the day. Some days it means that I’m in prayer throughout the day. Some days it means that I spend extended time teaching my children biblical principles. Some days it means being still during nap time, and just listening to Him. Some days it is all of those things.

Being a follower of Christ is about knowing, loving, and living life with Christ.

The point is that it is organic. It changes. It is Spirit prompted, not “to do” list prompted. Bible study, prayer, fellowship, corporal worship, and serving are all very important. They help us grow. They help us know Him more. They are each forms of worship. But what is most important is that we live in concert with Christ. Follow Him.

Heavenly father, I pray that I don’t get caught up in the things that I think I should do, and instead, focus on having an authentic relationship with you. Help me to avoid being complacent and stuck in a routine of worship, but rather, show me daily how to truly know You, love You, and live my every moment to glorify You.

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